Welcome to
Focussed on Well-being
Earthwalk is a one-of-a-kind Wellness Studio located in Noordhoek, Cape Town. We combine a shamanic and spiritual psychology approach to promote marked improvements in your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Explore our site to learn more about us, our services, our team, and so much more. Join us at Earthwalk today and develop a healthier relationship with the challenges of life and experience the positive changes that heart-felt connections to nature can make.
About Us
"To love Nature is to love the Real Self, for Nature itself is an expression of the essence of what we are."
Nature is creative Life Force. We believe that as natural beings we all can find balance, harmony and freedom when we align and listen to the wisdoms of the natural world. The Earthwalk Wellness Studio is a place that reminds us that the power is within each one of us, within the inner silence. In collaboration with the land abundant with plant, animal and mineral allies, we open up a space to the sacred world, that teaches us the resilience to remain balanced even from events in the outer world.